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Mind the Gap

How do I step out of my comfort zone?

Posted by Amanda Whiteford

So often we are our own ‘worst enemies’. Whilst a lack of confidence and self-belief are natural emotions that occur from time to time they are very career limiting. If you have ever suffered from a lack of confidence and felt afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone here are some tips to help you overcome your fears. First take a deep breath and then…

1. Describe your comfort zone to yourself or a friend. What does it look and feel like? Why is it comfortable for you? What benefits does this bring you? It could be that operating in your current role is comfortable because you know exactly what each day will bring. You are rarely surprised and hate having to respond to unexpected requests. Consequently, you rarely worry about your performance at work.

2. Now outline what disadvantages this comfort zone brings. Perhaps you are regularly overlooked for new projects where you could develop your skills and meet new people? Perhaps, your performance is overlooked because you never surprise people by doing anything different. Is this a price you want to continue to pay? If so, stay put. If not, read on.

3. What level of confidence do you currently have? On a scale of 0-10 (where 10 is very high) what number would you choose? Is it high enough to take a chance and break out of your comfort zone by putting yourself forward for some new initiative, responsibility or piece of work? If so, the steps below will support you in that move. If you feel it’s too low, and that you couldn’t take a first step then look to build up your confidence first as this is a vital foundation for any change.

4. If you’ve decided to take the plunge indulge in some daydreaming and create a vision of an ideal world in which you are doing what you dream of (however small a step that is). Think about what you are doing in this ideal world, who are you meeting, what are you achieving, what recognition and plaudits are coming your way? Enjoy the vision and keep it close – it will be worth replaying regularly to remind you of the benefits of changing your current circumstances.

5. Return now to the disadvantages of moving out of your comfort zone. Use the ideal vision you’ve created to help you articulate and really understand the benefits of overcoming the disadvantages you identified. Hopefully, if your vision is strong enough, you’ll begin to wonder why you haven’t wanted to change your situation sooner.

6. Now spend time considering what other doors and opportunities moving out of your comfort zone will bring you – aside from the immediate benefits. What longer term benefits could it bring? What skills and added confidence would arise from your future success?

7. From this vantage point begin to envisage what you can do to bring your dream to life. What immediate steps could you take on this journey? What longer term developments could you begin to plan for yourself? Who might help you with your plans? Do you need your managers support or can you undertake some of the steps for yourself? Do you need a mentor or coach to help keep you motivated over the days and weeks ahead – someone who will help you keep any setbacks in perspective?

8. Add in a dose of realism and think about the potential risks you will run if you take action. Realistically what are these likely to be? Ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen? Moving out of a comfort zone is rarely catastrophic, and setbacks can be useful learning opportunities. So be brave and get to grips with your fears – and give them a good shake of defiance – because after that you need to consider what the cost is of doing nothing. This will almost always be a worse option.

9. Now return to your daydream and image yourself beyond your action plan, now in a new comfort zone. You’ve mastered the change and it has become comfortable and energising for you. How good does this make you feel? If it’s as good as I hope it is, you are now ready to take solid action and go for it!

10. Finally, create a detailed development plan to help you move out of your comfort zone for real. Give yourself realistic timescales and ways of measuring success. Seek support from colleagues, your manager, a mentor or coach and keep that visual image of success close to your heart. Don’t let any setbacks deter you. These are natural and provide useful lessons for the future.

It’s easy to get caught up in a comfort zone particularly if our confidence has taken a beating in recent months. Realising this has happened, being clear about the advantages and disadvantages of this are important first steps to imaging a better, brighter future, where you and your career are flourishing. Use daydreams and visioning techniques to bring your aspirations to life. Then take action to build your confidence and move beyond your dreams towards being the best version of yourself you can be. Good luck!